BRICS Group Now Launches Rival to World Bank & IMF

BRICS Group Now Launches Rival to World Bank & IMF

Today, the BRICS group, a financial alliance formed between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, launched its New Development Bank (NDB), set up to provide loans to developing countries to assist in financing their infrastructure projects. Although the BRICS group deny it was launched to rival the World Bank(…)

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GAO Highlights Severe Security Lapses in

GAO Highlights Severe Security Lapses in

Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigators last year managed to enroll 11 completely fake people onto the government’s website. This year, the 11 “people” were promptly re-enrolled automatically by the site. Worrying as this is, even more so was that some of the 11 were given significant increases in their(…)

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VA Backlog Includes 238,000 Deceased Veterans

VA Backlog Includes 238,000 Deceased Veterans

847,000 names appear on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) official list of veterans awaiting healthcare services, but 238,000 of these have actually passed away since their application. A report entitled “Analysis of Death Services,” produced in April, 2015 jointly by the VA Health Eligibility Center and the VA Office(…)

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Washington Healthcare Options Now Cut in Half

Washington Healthcare Options Now Cut in Half

“Every prediction they made about it [Obamacare] turned out to be wrong. It’s working better than even I expected,” states President Obama. Perhaps he should take a stroll around his hometown of Washington, D.C. and take a good look around. He’ll find that the current number of healthcare plans available(…)

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U.S. Economy Impacts on IMF Global Forecast

U.S. Economy Impacts on IMF Global Forecast

Following their recent advice to the Federal Reserve not to raise interest rates until next year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has now revised down its global economic growth forecast for 2015 because of doubts over the strength of the U.S. economy. First quarter results for the U.S. showed an(…)

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Puerto Rico Can’t Pay Its $73 Billion Debt

Puerto Rico Cant Pay Its 73 Billion Debt

The Governor of Puerto Rico says the U.S. commonwealth territory is simply unable to pay its debt, which now stands at a jaw-dropping $73 billion. Alejandro Garcia Padrilla, inaugurated in January 2013, has called in specialist advisers to work with him, and, rather onerously, one of them is Steven Rhodes,(…)

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Obamacare Insurance Premiums Set for Dramatic 2016 Rise

Obamacare Insurance Premiums Set for Dramatic 2016 Rise

New Obamacare clients are reportedly “sicker than expected” and insurance companies across the U.S. are seeking increases of 20%-40%+ for 2016 premiums. For example, according to both federal and industry-linked documents now appearing online, Blue Cross and Blue Shield are seeking the following hikes in their rates: 23% in Illinois,(…)

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IMF Reveals Greece Still Needs a Further 50 Billion Euros

IMF Reveals Greece Still Needs a Further 50 Billion Euros

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), who the Greek nation are in default to after Tuesday’s missed loan repayment, have announced today that, under the existing and disputed bailout plans, Greece will need at least a further 50 billion euros over the next three years just to stabilize their economy. The(…)

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BIS Highly Critical of Global Financial Policy

BIS Highly Critical of Global Financial Policy

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has published its annual report for 2015, and specifically criticizes the current low interest rate policies of central banks worldwide. Known as the “central bank of central banks,” the BIS stated that now there is simply nowhere to go for the world’s largest financial(…)

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44.5% of U.S. Social Security Claimants Overpaid

44.5 of U.S. Social Security Claimants Overpaid

The Social Security Administration (SSA) Inspector General (IG) published a report on June 4, stating that a “review of 1,532 beneficiaries in current pay status as of October 2003…. found that over a 10-year period (from October 2003 through February 2014), SSA assessed overpayments for 44.5 percent of sampled beneficiaries.”(…)

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